The Farm
Gregg's Farm is a special place to me and feels like home when I walk in the porch door. I first came to the farm as part of the Apologia, and there have been a few pivotal moments in which Gregg and I have walked up to the boulder in the far pasture, or I've sat in the library wondering about what will I do next.
Below is a photo of Gregg on the way down from the Boulder, Mt. Ascutney in the background.

Selfie from the Boulder looking out over the farm - in the upper left corner you can just see the farm house.
Gregg sends out a qfd [quote for the day] to his children and a few others bcc'd. One recently that resonated with me was this:
The life of man is made up of action and of endurance,—of the efforts which he puts forth, and of the pain, discomfort, inconvenience which he undergoes. And human life is noble and fruitful in the ration in which it is laid out in vigorous action, consecrated by a noble aim; and in suffering, deliberately submitted to or embraced from a generous motive… To pass life in an aimless indolence, to shrink from endurance as well as from exertion, to exist in a state of moral coma,—this is really degrading. Life is always and only ennobled by effort and by suffering.
- - Henry Parry Liddon (1829–1890, English theologian and clergyman, canon and chancellor of St. Paul’s) – Essays and Addresses (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1892) : 91.