Days Don't Get Better Than This
God is good. All the time. But sometimes we feel the richness of His blessing and presence working among us. Today was a great day. Two big things happened. One thing MUCH bigger than the other.
The smaller thing is that I took the GRE - an exam similar to the SAT today - and did really well! Right before I started I said, God, I'm doing this so that you might use me and my education to love and serve your people. To you be all the glory. And that it is! I got 170/170 on my verbal reasoning and 167/170 on my quantitative reasoning. Go figure -- I'm an engineer who is better at literature and vocabulary. #Humancenteredesign #liberalartseducation
THE BIG THING is .... drum roll... the Wheelock House is now officially owned by The Wheelock House Inc, and we have the keys! This is an epic journey over the last 4 years, that is only just the beginning of what I hope is amazing work God is doing on Dartmouth's campus. May I learn how to continue to humbly serve and build up the young leaders coming after me.
Photos include a photo of the house waiting this evening for students to make it their home. Gregg signing the papers for the house today and receiving the keys. And finally some yummy food -- my favorite foods include pesto ravioli, Alaskan sockeye salmon, goat cheese with jam, and argula.